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Posted 10 months agoby Jessica Sebor

From solariums to “sea cures,“医生给病人开新鲜空气的处方有着悠久的传统, ocean breezes, 以及健康剂量的维生素D来治愈你的病痛. And with 840 miles of shoreline, expansive untouched nature, and year-round sunshine, 加州无疑拥有这一切. 计划2023年去金州的其中一个目的地度假吧, listed north to south, and let the healing begin.   

Humboldt County

As the gateway to Redwoods National and State Parks, Humboldt County 这里是日本古代“森林浴”的非正式首府吗.在原始森林中找到一种平静的感觉 Cathedral Trees Trail or the Fern Canyon Loop. Head to the coastal city of Eureka to mix your perfect potion at Humboldt Herbals 在Peter Santino的互动式“All Happy Now”地球雕塑中让你的心灵平静下来 Humboldt Botanical Garden. 六月来吧,尽情享受大自然的馈赠 Arcata Bay Oyster Festival庆祝海洋的美味大餐.

Mt. Shasta

The area around majestic Mount Shasta has long been lauded for its healing properties. 环保主义者约翰·缪尔曾在看到这座山后宣称, “my blood turned to wine, and I have not been weary since.” Enjoy some quiet reflection at Panther Meadow and the Sacramento River Headwaters数千年来,这里一直是土著人的精神圣地. 与导游安德鲁·奥瑟一起踏上心灵之旅 Mt. Shasta Retreats. 在大自然中过夜,露营地点在 Castle Lake or McBride Springs (提前预定)或在 Pneuma Institute Retreat Center.

Mendocino County

它位于旧金山北部海岸, Mendocino 这里的天然温泉是否有着数百年的传统. Visit Vichy Springs or Orr Hot Springs (都在Ukiah)进行一些富含矿物质的水疗. Retreat to the redwoods at The Madrones resort, tucked in the vineyard-filled Anderson Valley. 或者在岸边找点安慰 Little River Inn’s “Wellness Package,” 结合两晚的住宿和放松按摩,海藻身体磨砂,进入 Mendocino Botanical Gardens,还有一个中医疗程. 

Lake Tahoe

If you’re feeling over-taxed, Lake Tahoe’s 蓝宝石般的海水和白雪皑皑的山峰可能正是医生所要求的. 这个地区结合了户外探险和五星级的奢华. 在冬天的几个月里,花一天的时间在切割新鲜的粉末 Palisades Tahoe or Northstar California Ski Resort. During the summer, test your mettle on a treetop ropes course or get out on the lake with some SUP yoga or a sailboat charter. 用热石疗法恢复精神 The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe 或者预定一个高海拔按摩 Resort at Squaw Creek.

Sonoma County

这里有超过6万英亩的葡萄园, Sonoma County is best known for great wine. 一天的品酒当然是自我护理——仙粉黛和黑比诺富含抗氧化剂——这个地区有很多适合禁酒主义者的健康活动, too. Float down 沿着17英里的海岸线徒步旅行 Sonoma Coast State Park, or sign up for a sculpture-filled stroll at the di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art in nearby Napa County. 在这样的餐厅享受营养丰富(世界级)的从农场到餐桌的美食 Café La Haye, Farmhouse Inn, The Matheson, and SingleThread.

Monterey County

Monterey’s 海风吹过的美景使它成为西海岸最受欢迎的放松场所之一. 选择从无数的健康度假村,包括精品 Inn at Moss Point Landing, the spiritually stimulating Esalen Institute, the full-service Sanctuary Beach Resort, or The Lodge at Pebble Beach该酒店最近开设了1300平方英尺的套房,可以俯瞰其著名高尔夫球场的第18洞. 花些时间,沿着公园悠闲地骑自行车,重新与大自然亲密接触 Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail or kayaking next to sea otters in Elkhorn Slough.

Laguna Beach

In Laguna Beach在美国,寻找内心平静的旅行者可以跟随 Pathway to Zen, the coastal city’s wellness trail. 该指南概述了十几个目的地和活动,以鼓励重新开始. 考虑一下在太平洋那边,从名副其实的 Top of the World Trail,在周日浏览新鲜农产品 Laguna Beach Farmers Market, balance your energy at Chakra Spa,在海滩上开怀大笑,体验一下改善情绪的力量 Laguna Laughter Club

Joshua Tree

部分由于从洛杉矶到这里很方便, Joshua Tree National Park 以及周围的莫哈韦沙漠一直是嬉皮士的避风港, hipsters, and spiritual seekers. 参观公园,从那里看到广阔的景色 Ryan Mountain and Keys View-或者计划二月到四月的旅行,因为可能会遇到令人费解的事情 wildflower superbloom. 在20世纪50年代的圆顶建筑里泡个澡 Integratron在2月2日重新开放的这个季节,你也可以在天黑后乘坐火车去银河系旅行 Skywatcher Sky Tours

San Diego

California’s southernmost seaside city 提供放松,沙子在你的头发采取健康. 与海浪在斯瓦米的海滩,位于下面的 Self Realization Center in Encinitas, or with a lesson from Surf Diva or Ocean Beach Surf School. 在该地区众多的素食餐厅和咖啡馆里,用植物性的天然食物滋养你的身体, including Kindred, The Plot, Grains, and Donna Jean. 为下一个层次的排毒,探索整体健康服务从 Place360 in Del Mar, Pacific Pearl in La Jolla, or the spa at Hotel Del Coronado.

California Winery

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